Toxins neutralization

NLS- AntiTox Basic

NLS- AntiTox Basic — mycotoxin binding formula is specially developed to reduce the bioavailability of the mycotoxins to the animals and reduce risks caused by mycotoxins. The binder composed of specially selected and obtained Yeast cell walls and highly active Zeolite.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Binds to a wide range of mycotoxins.
  • High efficacy in mycotoxin binding.
  • Stable at wide pH range and temperature.
  • Improve immune response and antioxidant defence.
  • Enhance animal health, productivity and quality of products.
  • Completely save for animals and reduce NH3 emissions.
  • Supports global animal health by bioprotection effects.



How NLS- AntiTox Basic

NLS- AntiTox Basic The working principle combines the action of two active components specially selected in a synergistic composition:  Zeolite and  Yeast cell walls.

Zeo-M - mineral is the World’s only naturally occurring, negatively charged, have a great benefit in the feed process can result from the basic chemistry of the natural zeolite as an animal feed additive. Natural Zeolite is organic certified, Non toxic and stable mineral. This allows it to be used as feed additive with multiple, complementary benefits.

  • effectively absorbs mycotoxins (total Aflatoxins)
  • lowers mortality rates and reduces the need for antibiotics
  • increases animal weight and shows improved nutrient digestion
  • scavenges free radicals, reduces acidosis
  • has strong affinity for ammonium provides superior odour control and a healthy environment
  • protects the penetration of ammonia into the bloodstream, absorbs much of the ammonia generated from the Non-Protein Nitrogen, reduces NH3 emissions
  • provides reduction of scours, acidosis, diarrhea, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases


Y-Wall - obtained as a result of specially selected conditions of hydrolysis of a yeast cell with its subsequent separation. Сontains glucan chains (β-1,3 and β-1,6 linkages) and annoproteins, which are intertwined with chitin chains. Such a special structural organization allows it to perform several functions as high potential feed additive

  • protects of the intestinal epithelial barrier enhance the antimicrobial protection and antioxidant enzymes activity
  • maintains the stability of intestinal histology and improve the composition of gut microbiota
  • affects on the growth performance and improve productivity and products quality 
  • modulates cellular and humoral immunity
  • affects on the growth performance improve productivity and products quality 
  • modulate cellular and humoral immunity
  • limit accumulation of peroxidation derivatives
  • enhance the antimicrobial protection and antioxidant enzymes activity


Applications & Uses



Agriculture & Feed — Animal Health Nutrition

Poultry, Ruminants, Swine


Contact Us

Liudmyla Khomyn
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NLS | LinkedIn

Product Research & Development
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Sales Country Manager
Serhat Akbay
Mobile: +380 98 013 8523
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Expert in Nutrition, Consultant of NLS Product development
Dr Carsten Pedersen (UK)
Dr Carsten Pedersen | LinkedIn

Our Offices


NLSmix Technologie GmbH,
Tegetthoffstrasse, 7
1010 Vienna


79040 Kurmanovycha str, 9,
office # 2, Lviv