Natural high quality raw materials

Enzyme complexes

Enzyme complexes have gained significant importance in the feed industry due to their various benefits. These complexes consist of multiple enzymes that work synergistically to improve nutrient utilization and overall animal performance. A scientific approach as bellow is highlighting such benefits of enzyme complexes in the feed industry:

  • Enhanced Nutrient Digestibility. Enzyme complexes contain a combination of enzymes such as carbohydrases (e.g., amylases, cellulases) and proteases that target complex carbohydrates and proteins in animal feed. These enzymes break down these complex molecules into simpler forms, increasing their digestibility and availability for absorption by the animal's digestive system. This leads to improved nutrient utilization and reduced feed wastage.
  • Improved Feed Efficiency. By enhancing nutrient digestibility, enzyme complexes can improve feed efficiency in animals. This means that animals can obtain more nutrients from the same amount of feed, resulting in better growth performance and reduced feed costs. Improved feed efficiency is particularly beneficial in intensive animal production systems.
  • Reduction of Anti-Nutritional Factors. Enzyme complexes can help in the degradation of anti-nutritional factors present in feed ingredients. For example, certain enzymes can break down non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) found in grains, which can otherwise impair nutrient absorption and cause digestive issues in animals. By reducing the negative effects of anti-nutritional factors, enzyme complexes contribute to better animal health and performance.
  • Mitigation of Environmental Impact. Enzyme complexes can also play a role in reducing the environmental impact of animal production. By improving nutrient digestibility, they can reduce the amount of undigested nutrients excreted in manure, leading to lower nutrient runoff and environmental pollution. This can be particularly relevant in areas with high livestock density.
  • Flexibility in Feed Formulation. Enzyme complexes offer flexibility in feed formulation by allowing the use of alternative feed ingredients or by optimizing the utilization of lower-quality raw materials. This can be especially valuable during periods of feed ingredient scarcity or fluctuating prices.

    It is important to note, that the effectiveness of enzyme complexes can vary depending on factors such as animal species, diet composition, enzyme dosage, and processing conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with animal nutrition experts or enzyme manufacturers to determine the appropriate enzyme complex and dosage for specific feed formulations and animal requirements.

Contact Us

Liudmyla Khomyn
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Serhat Akbay
Mobile: +380 98 013 8523
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Expert in Nutrition, Consultant of NLS Product development
Dr Carsten Pedersen (UK)
Dr Carsten Pedersen | LinkedIn

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NLSmix Technologie GmbH,
Tegetthoffstrasse, 7
1010 Vienna


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office # 2, Lviv